2006 Travel Grants


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NCASE 2008

NCASE 2006 Sponsors:

Earn Graduate College Credit from Adam State College - click here

Click here! Your chance to fly Southwest Airlines FREE!

Hosted by:

U.S. Civil Air Patrol

Platinum Sponsors:

Ken Cook Co.

Northrop Grumman

Gold Sponsors:

AC Supply Company

Air Force Association

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 

Silver Sponsor:

National Science Teachers Association

Bronze Sponsors:

Adams State College

Aerospace Industries Association

National Aeronautic Association

National Air & Space Museum

National Air Transportation Foundation

National Association
of Rocketry

National Coalition for Aviation Education

Southwest Airlines


Virginia Department of Aviation

Wolf Aviation Fund

Imagine your group listed here!

Become a Sponsor of
NCASE 2008!


NCASE 2006 ARCHIVES:  This event is over, but we are maintaining this archive of the conference web pages for reference purposes.  Please see www.ncase.info for information on our current or next NCASE conference!


Teacher Travel Grant Program:


The travel grant program concluded on September 1 - this page will be left available for reference purposes.


  -- Prior information --


We know many teachers won't be able to attend NCASE without financial assistance.  

Thanks to the generosity of NCASE supporters we can provide a limited number of small grants to help with travel costs.

Recipients are chosen from among those sending applications by either the donor or by the NCASE Committee.

The Committee selection process is at the sole discretion of the Committee members and will be based primarily on one or all of the following guidelines:

bulletFinancial need
bulletAerospace Education Foundation Teacher of the Year (www.aef.org for additional information) 
bulletActive aerospace education member of an organization supporting aerospace education in the classroom.

Teachers: please submit your application by downloading and completing the following PDF FORM:

Download the Educator Travel Grant Application Form: Click Here

For additional information please contact  mail@ncase.info

 v 12-21-06


National Coalition for Aviation Education     NCASE 2008   Copyright 2006
   NCASE:   mail@ncase.info  
   Website:  webmaster@ncase.info